Thursday, September 22, 2011

Crochet Hat Flop

This is my first real belly flop.  Chloe gave me instructions on how to crochet a hat for Charlotte.  Four rows into it I realized I messed up somewhere:
So I pulled everything out and started over:
FINALLY, I get this far…and my hat has a peak on it:
So I pulled out four more rows and continued forward until I finally had it complete:
Unfortunately, by the time I finished I think my munchkin’s head grew!

Kicking Off

Let’s get this kicked off the right way.  My friends and I are pretty much broke all the time.  We get together on the weekends looking for great deals, freebies, and things we can make for our little girls.  This blog is my version of a show and tell.  I want to post the things we make, what we find, and stories of everything in between.   Hopefully it provides a little entertainment!